• +1 403 678 2846
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"I know people who complain she yells at them but I just yell back or roll my eyes. Just her style so put on your big girl panties and do the work cause it will pay off"


Specialized Training

If you prefer to do one-on-one, Bootcamp, Pilates, weight training, Deb would be more than happy to put a program together for you.

Training with Deb

One, two, even three of you.  Don’t want to train in a group, Deb can be your Fitness partner.  Let's get you started on a new fitness routine for Health and Wellness.

“Outside the box” personal training

  • Personalized!
  • Unique
  • Partnership
  • Balanced
she “gently encourages you to work harder” in order to achieve your fitness goals.  She also helps you if you are not doing it right - Jenny

Why do you keep coming back?

"Deb is the reason! She inspires & motivates like no one I know" Bonny

What do you like best about Debs training?

"A very good mix of exercise, group motivation and a strong leader. Fun to go for an hour that goes by quickly" - Dick